Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Update on Goofhead...

Upon running into the owner of my favorite donkey Goodhead, I have learned that his name is in fact Spanky. He has been with the owner for 8 years, and is loved by all the school children that come to see him. He is actually a mini donkey, and was owned by a famous star in Arizona. He was given to Fred (the current owner) some 8 years ago, and has lived in the pasture ever since. Since he still responds to the name Goofhead, I will probably stick with it, and let others call him Spanky. Each day I walk by and call him, and he is on a trot to the fence. He is such a cool little guy, and he loves to be petted. Who doesn't??...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My little buddy...

As many of you know, I take a walk around the block (2 miles) each evening. Along the way, I have befriended a few intertesting friends. The most intriuging is my little buddy named Goofhead. He is a small donkey, that has bonded with me, and the slightest call from me, sends him scurring to the fence to recieve his treat. Each day, I bring him an apple or two, and he is only too glad to eat them. Of course the local competition has him on guard until he can consume his treat. A mule and a small mini horse share the field with Goofhead, and they have learned that when he bolts for the fence, that means apples are on!! Soon after my buddy arives, the battle royal is on! Kicking, bucking, and all versions of defensive moves are in play, as Goofhead defends his booty. It is out of compassion that I throw both suitors a small scrap. I am sure the farmer that actually owns my little friend, is very appreciative that I have trained his pet...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Here she is...

After several weeks of non stop driving between Utah and Nevada, we have finally found the source of all that mileage on Tina (the red Mustang), and her name is Joanie. Seems that Curtis is quite smitten with her, and they seem to be inseperable. We found the lovebirds in the Pioneer Park, whispering sweet nothings to each other... Could this be love?? Seems so...

Friday, August 6, 2010


It seems that Las Vegas is coming to the big city (Hurricane...) once again this weekend. There seems to be an evolving pattern here. After further investigation, we have found the source of Curtis's perpetual smile, and her name is Joanie. From head to toe, she is pure class, and beautiful to match. No wonder Curtis has been experiencing restless nights... When she was in Hurricane last week, seven cars collided into each other, as she was crossing the street. Photos will be forth coming... It would seem, love is in the air!

Friday, July 30, 2010

It's Vegas Baby!!

Another weekend, and another trip to the land of fun and promise... However, this time I am bringing Vegas back with me to Southern Utah. I am told the cure becomes the addiction... I'm banking on it!!! After this weekend, my whole world may change.. Man I love this town!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

What a Saturday

The wedding of Jordan's daughter was a beautiful event. Although a little warm (outside wedding ceramony), all went well. The affair was held at Dragon Ridge Country Club (stunning by the way...). The day started off well, and finished even better... All in all, one of the best days I have had in a long, long time... Visited the old neighborhood, eating hangouts (Lucielles, Hash House, etc), and enjoyed the sights and sounds of being home for a day. I love this town, and the people in it!!